In Ethiopia still apply rules millenary that relegate women to a subservient role to men of the family.
Violence against women in rural areas in Ethiopia is now widely recognized as a serious human right abuse, and an important public health problem with substantial consequences physical, mental, sexual, and reproductive health. Violence against women takes the form of female genital mutilation, early marriage, forced marriage, sexual assault and abuse, stalking, and lack of education.
Women who are opposed to this put their lives at risk by fleeing to cities where very often find themselves doing the slaves for the rich families or to be forced into prostitution.
There is a third possibility, emigrate in the Arabian Peninsula, in Lebanon or the United Arab Emirates. Unfortunately these women in the Middle East find the same violence from which they escaped. There are brokers that help women to organize the trip and promise them a job, that does not really exist.
There is new hope in Ethiopia, some young women have decided to stay and rebel against violence, they want to study and want to fight to have the future they deserve. Although not all of them succeed.